Supportive psychotherapy

You have the opportunity for supportive psychotherapy sessions, during which I help you understand and solve your current complaints, life management problems and symptoms, especially in the "here and now". Length of this therapic form averages 10-15 seats, minimum 5, maximum 30 seats. It can be performed in person or on online platform.

The goal is to mobilize your active coping skills and improve your self-acceptance, stress tolerance, and communication with others, which increases the experience of your personal effectivity.

During the personal supportive therapy sessions, we talk about your problems in a relaxed environment in a sitting position. Online setting guarantees the privacy of your data so you can freely share your complaints.

When applying this method, the goal is not to address the deeper psychological causes of your problems, but rather to develop a strategy to address your specific current problems.



Its regularity ranges from once a week to 1-2 meetings per month. The advantage is that the frequency of meetings can be adjusted to the needs.

It is important to know that the frequency of sessions and the planned length of therapy is also determined by how urgent it is to solve your problem.

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